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Season 1 Episode 8 | Mark Mothersbaugh, Behind the Score & Name That Score


Robert, Kenny and Matt begin the show talking about the theme song Robert Kraft composed for “Who’s the Boss?” And their favorite television show themes of all time.

Then Mark Mothersbaugh joins the show to talk about his start composing music, after working with Devo, with Paul Reubens and Pee-Wee Herman, and his work with Taika Waititi on Thor: Ragnarok to evolve the Marvel sound.

In this week’s Behind the Score, composers including John Powell (next week's guest), Rachel Portman, Christopher Young and film music agent Richard Kraft discuss the "temp" score and how it impacts the creation and execution of music, and when it does (and doesn’t) work.

Then Mark returns to talk about the “post-ironic” era of superheroes and music, and how technology has changed the world’s listening habits and accessibility. Plus, The Simpsons’ parody of “Whip It” and how many parodies Mark’s heard of his hit Devo song and scoring The Lego Movie with a literal fader to switch between “orchestral” and “electronic.” Plus, his his invention of an “orchestreon.”

Lastly, Mark and the guys play a “animal movies”-themed edition of Name That Score, where you — yes, you! — could be a winner! Plus, a final question with the great Mark Mothersbaugh!

Hosts: Robert Kraft and Kenny Holmes.

Executive Producer: Matt Schrader.

Mentioned In This Episode

Thor: Ragnarok by Mark Mothersbaugh

Pee-Wee Demos by Mark Mothersbaugh

The Simpsons "Whip It parody

The Lego Movie by Mark Mothersbaugh

Mark Mothersbaugh's "Orchestreon" creation

Copyright 2018 Epicleff Media.


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