'SCORE' December Progress Update

To our SCORE supporters around the world:
Wow, what a rush these last couple months have been for us! The additions we’ve made in this time have made SCORE a more comprehensive look at the art of film composing than we ever dreamed.
We've been able to document the talent and insight of today's finest musical maestros, and it's clear some well-known folks in Hollywood have taken notice. We've been able to secure interviews with major icons of the film industry.
The drawback, however, as we announced in our September email update, is that we will be pushing back SCORE's release date to Spring 2016 to accommodate these additions to the film.
There are a lot of logistical and financial hurdles this creates for us (most notably, a change in our tax situation for 2015), so we are shifting a few gears to ensure this doesn't impact our ability to finish the film the right way, in the way you’ve trusted us to complete the film.
To help offset our tax bill for the year and raise additional funds for world-class post-production, we recently launched a post-production crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, where you can view our second trailer.
We’ll also be announcing a special thank-you offer to our early Kickstarter backers shortly, so stay tuned!
We've continued to add more film music masters to our lineup (see IMDb page), and have now assembled the most comprehensive archive of interviews about film scores ever put to screen.
We are excited about the ways we can share this footage with you down the line, and are pleased to share the share the first extended look at the film in this exclusive HitFix.com feature.
With over 60 original interviews conducted for the film, SCORE now boasts the most ambitious and comprehensive lineup of film composers ever featured in a documentary, with more to come in the next few months.
We are beyond excited to share this film with you, and are working hard to complete it as quickly as we can while still delivering the high quality the project deserves. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the new trailer and first look at the film. Thank you for your incredible support.
Matt Schrader
Director, SCORE